Where to Buy Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 Films in Bulk?

Using the Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 is truly fun and remarkable. Just when we thought that filmed cameras are a thing of the past, we now have the growing popularity of instant cameras.

One thing that makes instant cameras really unique is its ability to immediate provides us a tangible picture.

When I first had my Instax Mini 8, I was really delighted on how it performs. There are a lot of features to enjoy as well.

However, the camera is as fun as its films. So when you run out of film, using the instant camera isn’t as good as it is. Therefore, if you want to continue enjoying your Instax Mini 8, just like in my case, you need to buy a fresh pack of films.

There are different places where you can buy new films for the camera. You can go to your local retail stores, shopping malls and of course, the internet.

I had my films ordered online. This gives me more convenience. But when buying films, I highly recommend that you buy in bulk since this will give you more savings in the long run. If you still don’t know where to buy these films by bulk, let me give you the sources.

In addition to this, I’ll share some thoughts and reviews pertaining to these products.

1. Fujifilm Instax Mini 8, 50 sheets

This product will let you buy films in bulk. In the box, you’ll get 10 sheets of film in 5 packs. Here are the other specifications.

  • Compatible with Instax Mini Cameras
  • Compatible with Lomo Diana Instant, Polaroid 300 and Polaroid Mio
  • Film speed of ISO 800
  • Full color
  • Image size: 62 mm in length and 46 mm in width
  • Fresh films, not expired

Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 50 sheets


  • Exactly what I expected – well, of course, if you pay for something, you expect that it’ll be the same product you pay for, right? I’m just happy to receive exactly what the description from the online market says. You see, some products bought via the internet are expired and sometimes, in really bad condition. I had the same experience of that when I bought film online for my Polaroid 600 where almost all films are as good as trash. So, I’m a bit more appreciative with what I get now for this product.
  • Cost-effective – buying in bulk gives you more savings in the long run, instead of buying one by one. You can save as much as 10% in your purchase, plus it will take longer for you to run out of film – that’s less time going to and fro in a store.


  • Packaging issues – if you look the into promotional photo, you will see only one box. This is exactly what I get when I first bought the product. But when I bought another batch, the package comes into two boxes with one pack outside the box. So you have 2 packs in each box and one pack outside the box. Maybe the company tries to do some cost-cutting efforts with this tactic. Thankfully, the pack not included in the box is in good condition. So it’s still a good buy.

2. Fujifilm Instax Mini 8, 100 sheets

This is almost the same as the first product, but it has 100 sheets. It has 10 packs with each pack having 10 sheets inside. Basically, the features are almost the same.

  • Compatible with Fujifilm Instax Mini Cameras (including Polaroid’s and Diana’s instant cameras)
  • Has a film speed of ISO 800
  • Full color
  • Film size is 86 mm in length and 54 mm in width
  • Image size is the same with the aforementioned product

Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 100 sheets


  • Works for multiple cameras – since the whole package comes with 100 sheets, people who have multiple cameras will be happy to buy this.
  • Cost-effective – buying per pack will give you around $1 per shot. However, if you buy this product, you’ll be spending below $0.75 for each shot. Of course, this is not too much, but if you think about it, in 100 sheets, you will already save $7.


  • Image quality – when it comes to image quality, it can provide great images. However, if you’re difficult to please, you need to realize that instant cameras are not made with high resolution in mind. It’s more on the vintage effect and the fun of shooting and printing.

3. Cute Films, Total 40 Sheet

If you’re that type of person that loves girly stuff or loves to try out something different, this set is for you!

You’ll get different styles including: Airmail model / Stripe model / Candy Pop model / Rainbow model. Each pack comes with 10 sheets, so you’ll get total of 10 sheets.

Compatible with Lomo Instax Diana Back AND all instax mini cameras including 7/7s/8/8N/25/50/55i.

Cute Films Total 40 Sheet


These are the two places where you can buy Fujifilm Mini 8 film by bulk. If you’re thinking which of the two products will be the best choice, I would say the product with 100 sheets. You can save a few cents with it, but I don’t think you will feel the difference. So, if you’re a bit short in budget, you can just go for the 50 sheets per package.