How Much Do Polaroid Cameras Cost And Where To Buy Them?

The popularity of Instant cameras is now on the rise once again and no other brand is happier than Polaroid that once dominated this industry.

Of course, one would inevitably ask, “How much does Polaroid cameras will cost today?” This is a valid question that begs for an answer.

There’s no doubt, the answer greatly depends upon what type of Polaroid camera you are referring to. Thus, in this post, let’s take a quick look at the price list of these Polaroid cameras and later on, take note where you can buy them.

List of popular Polaroid cameras and its prices

Polaroid doesn’t come short with amazing instant cameras and it’ll be great if you’re able to explore each of them. The instant cameras of Polaroid come with different features. Therefore, you need to get familiar with each of them to really find the best camera that will fit your budget, preference and need. For the meantime, check out this price list of the current most popular instant cameras of

Polaroid Cameras

Where to buy Polaroid Instant Camera?

Now that you know the prices of the instant cameras of Polaroid, you might want to start finding places where you can buy these remarkable cameras.

Thankfully, there are plenty of places you can go to when buying Polaroid products.

First off, if you want to see the actual camera and get a feel of it in real life, then you can go to shopping malls or retail stores. Depending upon what city or place you may be, there’s a good chance that Polaroid instant cameras are now available in your local area.

Another obvious place you can acquire Polaroid instant camera is via online. There are online stores you can go to if you want to buy them. You can go to the official website of Polaroid or you can simply go to popular online shopping websites such as Amazon and eBay.


Knowing the price and place where to buy Polaroid instant camera are just the few initial steps. Make sure you read reviews and enough information about each product before making a choice. This will save you from future regrets and ensure that you made the right decision.